Most people won't even consider doing a single marathon in 2016 regardless of their physical abilities. That is why I am doing 51 marathons in the 50 states of the United States of America and Washington D.C. in a single calendar year (coincidentally 2016). As with my previous marathons (currently 31 by the end of 2015) every state I go to, every race I complete, will be an example doing something as a paraplegic. I don't want to limit my message to just paraplegics, that's just what I am, so that's how I can be an example. I hope I can get everyone thinking about doing something, whether physical or mental, especially those of us who have some physical deficit, whether from birth defect, disease, or injury.
Not only is there a physical challenge to such an project, it is a very difficult scheduling problem. I have the races identified, and the schedule made, now I have to find the money to pay the entry fees, hotels, and travel.
The above totals will update automatically as I find cost savings in the expenses and as donations are received.
You can donate to help me cover the costs.
Sponsorship is possible and welcomed. In addition to promotion on this site, I will make a custom jerseys with names/words/logos of the sponsors. In previous races, I have been photographed for newspapers (at least 4 times), on TV (at least 3 times), interviewed on radio (once), and seen by lots of local spectators along the race routes. I have a good story. We can get exposure for you.
If I use your product for my medical conditions, there are opportunities for meeting with support/user groups in the various states, or via electronic means (Skype/Apple Talk/Google Hangouts/etc.) to talk or demonstrate how your products can assist in an active life. We can integrate in to social media (yours and mine) as well as you other advertising vehicles.
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